CW Grow is full of nutrients proven to increase the vitality, growth, yield, colour, and flavour of the plants you love.
Shrubs, trees, vegetables, lawns, and grains all profit by adding silicon and calcium to the soil.

For healthy plants and soil

Protection from pest & disease

Essential for photosynthesis
CW Grow puts 5-9x more carbon in the soil and strengthens
plants against damage from climate extremes

Protection from temperature extremes

Strengthens plants against weather damage

Converts CO2 into soil minerals
How does CW Grow boost yields while
capturing carbon and increasing
plant defences to pests,
disease and climate change?
CW Grow is available in the following formats:

CW Grow - 200
Finely ground for consistency and ease of use. For home gardeners who want simple and effective all-natural solutions
- Easy to handle and apply
- Dried with uniform fine particle size
- Available in 10 kg and 25 kg bags

CW Grow - Bulk
Crushed unprocessed wollastonite available at participating garden centres and landscape depots
- Unprocessed mineral available at a lower price
- The choice for larger home, lawn, garden, and landscape-scale applications
- Available in bags or for bulk purchase

CW Grow - Farm & Forest
CW200 or Bulk available for large scale applications
- Use in place of agricultural lime for soil buffering
- Increase yield and forest growth
- Cost-effective source of Calcium, Magnesium and plant available Silicon