CW-Grow is available in the following formats:

CW Grow - 200: A ground uniform product for easy handling and use
Available by the pallet in 10kg or 25kg bag sizes. Each pallet includes a sign to increase its profile.
- Has a uniform particle size – able to pass through 200 mesh
- Dried for ease of handling and use with a lawn fertilizer spreader
- Available in pallets of 10kg or 25kg colour labelled bags

CW Grow – Bulk: A unique high margin retail opportunity
CW Grow – Bulk is sold directly from the mine site with a 24 mt minimum order. Participating retailers receive promotional materials, social media exposure, a large banner sign, and colour label bags to establish a high margin self-serve product. CW Grow is certified for use in organic agriculture.
CW Grow – Bulk is a medium textured wollastonite sand with a full range of particle sizes with the largest particles between 4mm-6.25mm (around 4%).
A bulk bin of CW Grow in your yard offers:
- 70-80% profit margin
- A high-value branded self-serve depot for retail customers
- Ability to re-sell bulk by totes or the tonne to landscape companies, greenhouses & farms
- Options to create premium soil mixes by adding 5% CW-Grow

CW Grow - Farm & Forest: Cost-effective application strategies for large areas
CW Grow is used in bulk applications to enhance forests as well as crop quality and yield while regenerating landscapes on large scales. Minimum order is 24 mt. CW Grow is certified across North America for use in organic agriculture.
Bulk delivery for Farm and Forest offers:
- Bulk pricing and sales from mine
- Delivery directly from the mine site
- Application support for questions and considerations
- Custom processing options for unique application situations